To the Editor: Your reports about Massachusetts' health reform legislation treat politicians' overblown claims as gospel.
The high court can do President and nation a huge service by denying this latest overblown claim to exclusive executive power.
To be sure, there has been unwarranted hype and overblown claims made for many psychotropic medications, and too little awareness of their limitations.
Empath had to gasp at that overblown claim.
Oh...and, another point, even if 'humanities grads can't do maths, but can do overblown claims', according to your comments, scientists struggle to read prose.
Editors also object to overblown or false claims.
Whitely said that McGorry had made overblown claims for his programs and that they had been accepted without proper scrutiny.
Last year, Congressional hearings provided a forum for charges that many doctor-supervised programs proffered both overblown claims and unhealthy diets.
But Mr. Leverett is an expert at busting overblown claims.
A. Some overblown claims have already been disproved.