It was a day that threatened the approach of the wet season, humid heat lay trapped beneath grey overcast clouds and the occasional bursts of sunlight stung like the blast of an open furnace door.
The actual illumination of the surface is about 14,000 lux, comparable to that on Earth "in the daytime with overcast clouds".
There was no moon, and overcast clouds covered the sky.
In clear air conditions, when there is little or no snow falling, but the ground is completely covered with snow, diffuse lighting from overcast clouds may cause all surface definition to disappear.
But they had covered less than half the distance before the overcast cloud turned to a yellow fog, a brooding miasma that brought on the night prematurely.
Out the window I see an unnatural brightness underneath the overcast clouds that have swept in from the Pacific earlier this evening.
To the far north, beyond the overcast clouds, there is a dull series of thunderlike rolls, followed by a low rumbling that grows with every instant.
It got a bit overcast with ash cloud.
High overcast clouds.
For a while after touching down, I just sat inside the plane, listening to the engines cool and watching the overcast clouds wisp around the distant peaks.