It was an overcast night with no stars or moon showing.
On overcast nights, the entire meeting is conducted inside the planetarium.
However, on overcast nights these unidentifieds would be the only "stars" in the sky, meaning they were below the clouds.
The trail was doubly dark, with the overcast night and the branches overhead.
It was dark, darker than the blackest, overcast night.
It was very dark, but a fine, overcast night.
"And there are people who just refuse to believe we have to cancel our viewing hours on overcast nights," he added.
"I said it might be an overcast night," his thought whispered softly.
The overcast night was darker than the inside of Shan-wei's boot, and he could barely make out the two closest ones.
The crisp October day had turned into an overcast night that was an unwelcome promise of an early winter.