The other $7 will go the Lawyers' Assistance Program Inc., which helps lawyers overcome drug or alcohol addiction and mental illness.
Ultimately, the psychotherapy and social action model aims to aid clients in overcoming mental illness through personal psychotherapy, group coping, and collective social action.
The awards are in recognition of their everyday tasks to help others or for those who have overcome personal illness or disability.
Have you still not learned that the only way to overcome illness and unhappiness is through prayer to God and through observing the canons of His Church?
Paralympian swimmer Elizabeth Simpkin determined to overcome illness and regain form.
While at Kilmarnock he overcame serious illness to continue his career, which included one cap for Scotland Under 23s.
And faith may give people strength to overcome illness - after all, if faith in placebo sugar pills works, why not faith in God?
They've overcome serious mental illness and families that were hostile to the idea of college.
But she does believe in the power of the imagination and personal will to overcome illness.
Wake Forest's resourcefulness, overcoming illness and injury to reach the Round of 16?