Yesterday's decision means that families will continue to be sent there, despite the overcrowded conditions.
You have seen how people are living in overcrowded conditions.
Another 14,274 families at those income levels live in overcrowded conditions.
The overcrowded conditions were a concern but not an issue.
There were not enough classrooms and staff had to work in overcrowded conditions.
According to 1990 housing data, the latest figures available, 14,116 county residents were living in overcrowded conditions.
In 1883, the overcrowded conditions of the school demanded more room and another addition was built.
But at the beginning of this year, the system already had 91,000 students in overcrowded conditions, school officials said.
By various city estimates, more than 100,000 families live in overcrowded conditions with relatives and friends.
Last year, schools started with 91,000 children being taught in overcrowded conditions.