A house with overgrown shrubs or an untidy lawn looks like a home that needs constant work.
The thicket of overgrown shrubs can be pruned now, after the normal blooming season.
If need be, overgrown shrubs can even be pulled out.
From the front picture window, you could see the corner of the next house half obscured by overgrown shrubs.
The yard next door was a jungle of overgrown shrubs, the parking space choked with discards.
Old, overgrown shrubs can be renewed by cutting them to the ground.
I watched them climb through a break in the wire fence, now half pulled down by overgrown shrubs and small trees.
He sprang through the overgrown shrubs and saplings, covering several meters in a single leap.
Consider changing an overgrown shrub into a multi-stemmed tree.
He made himself comfortable inside a kind of tent formed by the overhanging tree limbs and a few sturdy, overgrown shrubs.