The baron moved forward, shortsword held out in the guard position and broadsword raised for an overhand stroke.
He didn't let his face change as Todd slammed his books down on the table with a sudden, vicious overhand stroke.
He crashed into the centre of the startled group of men, swinging his sword to the right and left in broad overhand strokes.
And Draffut turned and swam away, cleaving the lake with stretching overhand strokes.
Sparhawk stood up in his stirrups to deliver broad overhand strokes to the right and the left as he crashed into the strangers.
Hitting the wall back first, The Shadow sledged a terrific overhand stroke.
With a quick overhand stroke, she plunged the scissors into the guard's hand.
I undressed in the water and struck out with a strong, single- overhand stroke, crossing the current at right-angles.
A beat later he fired an overhand stroke at Sulu's head.
Then Brand struck the final blow of their duel, and it was not an overhand stroke.