As the surrounding crowds watched overhead televisions, cheering on the Houston Astros baseball team, the two men discussed their shared ordeal.
It stays open until 4 A.M. daily, catering mostly to a convivial neighborhood crowd hanging out and watching sports on the overhead television.
I sat back, puffed languidly and watched an Egyptian film on an overhead television.
Cigar smoke from that bar seeped into the dining room one evening, as did echoes of the ballgame on the overhead television.
Over Cash's halfhearted objections, he fired at the overhead television, blasting out the screen.
For two hours, I watched Bruce Lee movies, full of blood and gore, in Spanish on the overhead television.
Lauren chose a table close to an overhead television so she would immediately know if there were any updates being broadcast about the missing girl in Boulder.
There were two overhead televisions, insistent music and a lively bar scene, which provided a floor show.
They followed the races on overhead televisions inside the clubhouse.
In the home locker room, the Lakers-Heat game plays on an overhead television.