Then the lights came back on as O'Brien worked to bypass overloaded systems.
Mr. Siegel said the new bill would lead to many more appeals, further clogging an already overloaded system.
Back home meanwhile all I hear is of people scamming or simply living off systems already decrepit and overloaded.
An intimate portrait of a decent judge and a cynical, overloaded system.
By the 1980s conventional tramways had been seen by decision-makers as overloaded systems for almost two decades.
The abrupt release was too much for her overloaded system.
He had reached the point at which the overloaded nervous system translates suffering into a kind of perverse pleasure.
He wondered how long until the overloaded system would explode.
An overloaded system with delays for legit users is no boon to higher learning.
Much of the damage was from overloaded secondary systems as the shields failed.