"Certainly;" came the reply, and if the word was not delivered with complete sincerity, well, Wallich didn't seem overly bothered.
However, the French aren't overly bothered.
One morning she said casually, "I admire you because you are not vain of your- self, nor too exalted in your opinions, nor overly bothered with mean thoughts."
A man not overly bothered about matters of right and wrong.
Intelligence, he had always found, was the most potent aphrodisiac, and since inhibition did not seem to be one of Gina's problems, he had not bothered overly to disguise the fact.
Mr. Leno said that because he has filled in so regularly on "Tonight," he would be surprised if Mr. Letterman was overly bothered by his appointment.
He'd connected with two solid shots, and Santos didn't seem overly bothered by either.
Hitler did not seem overly bothered with the outcome of the air battle.
"That is a long time," Itu agreed, not seeming overly bothered by it.
Therefore we don't get overly bothered about acceptance, financial success or publicity.