In "Lucifer Kicking All Night Long," the ambiguous touches seem imposed and overly clever.
Bulkley on hearing this reacted in his typical style of being overly clever and devious.
Worth reading the odd review just for that overly clever expression.
Both, especially the latter, were attention-grabbing displays, with overly clever harmonic excursions, pointless fusillades of notes and reflective moments that seemed arbitrary, not organic.
In those days I was not writing surrealist poems but rather conventional, descriptive poems with lots of overly clever wordplay.
What was especially impressive about these questions is that they were unexpected without being obscure, trivial, or overly clever.
He may be overly clever, and devious, but I don't feel that he is an ambitious man in those realms.
Do not try to make it cute or overly clever.
Plus, I think as time went on he was in survival mode with no time to be overly clever or brilliant.
I love you, little sister,' Sparhawk retorted, 'but you've got an overly clever mouth.