This one certainly outclasses Godiva's average chocolate bonbons, and is also superior to the overly dense 20 percent butterfat ice creams the company once had on the market.
The result is that today the forests are composed of overly dense, small-diameter trees and snags with excessive amounts of downed wood.
With color transparency films, you get a slide that's overly dense, in which the snow is not white but gray - usually with a blue tint in it.
Other desserts were good without being notable: chocolate cake, carrot cake, overly dense chocolate mousse, apple strudel with mushy apples, under-poached pear.
Responding to the criticism, he said the display of art in the museum's previous incarnation was "overly dense," which people felt was "too much like a textbook."
But Bonet was an overly dense, unpleasantly bitter chocolate mousse with a white chocolate topping.
Other sections tend to be unwieldy and overly dense with detail, sometimes difficult to follow.
However, such development proceeded with little regard for the tropical conditions and resulted in overly dense living conditions, poor sanitation, and an absence of public amenities.
Unlike other double-coated breeds, the Havanese outer coat is neither coarse nor overly dense, but rather soft and light.
If there is a fault in this, it is that the narrative becomes overly dense in places, not always easy to follow.