In other words, bright people with too much time on their hands, overly influenced by notions they found in old Earth books.
But the study found that patients might be overly influenced by how well their health providers communicate.
Some parents say their children, raised in a multiple-channel universe, are savvy enough about television not to be overly influenced by it.
She said she believed that the lab's concerns had overly influenced the officials.
She said the panel seemed to have been overly influenced by arthritis patients who testified that the drugs were the only medicines that helped them.
They suggest that all these publications are overly influenced by the fund-raising industry, which is naturally more interested in reporting success than failure.
I need to understand what my core beliefs and values are so that I am not overly influenced or manipulated by others.
I do not feel overly influenced by the Germans, it is not true.
This result and its statistical significance were not overly influenced by most individual studies.