"What happened to the over-achieving, overly intense, sorority hopeful we used to know?"
Cowgirl uses organic milk, and though Redhawk is a triple-cream, it has none of the overly intense richness of that category.
In fact, I find her overly intense.
Until this year, Serena's carefree - and refreshing - attitude seemed to stop her from getting overly intense about her tennis.
The kid tried hard to sound commanding, but his overly intense demeanor and high-pitched voice almost made his speech laughable.
Some studies attribute migraine headaches to overly intense light, while others linked it with certain spectral distributions.
Others argue that it was Elvis's overly intense relationship with his mother, Gladys, that shaped him.
"His reaction to Miss Avalon's death seemed overly intense for the circumstances."
John Hurt blows through as an overly intense dealer in magic equipment, schooling Harry on selecting his tools.
She studied him, her overly intense gaze flicking to the IV bottle and back to him again.