An overly rich mixture causes buildup of black powdery deposit on the probe.
It's made of whole-grain oats, but the chocolate flavor comes through every bite without being overly rich.
"But between now and then the market will probably go from being overly rich to being oversold."
Suddenly Gwaay's hands thrust up to the palms out of his overly rich bedclothes.
But too much makes ice cream that is overly rich and hard to eat that much of.
But although a little olive oil adds flavor to the mix, too much makes it overly rich.
I like to contrast things that have soul-satisfying flavor but are also delicate and not overly rich.
Despite this, the village was not overly rich, being largely based on a farming community.
The reviewer described the novel "an overly rich fable."
Grow in peaty, well-drained but not overly rich soil in full sun.