He noticed that the front of Winston's trousers had become overly tight.
And overly tight caps will drive health plans to skimp on care sick people need.
An overly tight bandage should not be applied, as swelling may continue, decreasing circulation through the limb, and potentially causing a bandage-bow.
Overly tight tolerances mean that there is no place for lubricant and dirt to be, and this can bind the parts.
He felt a headache coming on, as if someone had tied an overly tight band around his head.
He heard the swish of the door opening as he adjusted the overly tight jacket.
Form-fitting but not overly tight pants are recommended as well, although tights often provide the best fit inside the skate.
He fervently hoped she kept wearing overly tight tops and short, swirly skirts while he was around.
Signs of an overly tight bandage include numbness, tingling, increased pain, and coolness in the foot.
Overly tight controls on inventory hurt some companies, however, preventing them from showing better sales results in the month.