The overnight session is to begin Wednesday evening.
But then those futures fell back in the overnight session to the maximum decline allowed, and European markets resumed their drop.
This program has been held at the Nan-hyang Cottage in an overnight session twice a year since last year.
Campers register for 1, 3 or 6 week overnight sessions.
This version owes its title to the "cold sleepy hours" of the overnight session at Air Studios.
The overnight session turned parts of the Capitol into a temporary dormitory.
Cuse described long hours writing the show, including several overnight sessions.
Currently, 60 percent of campers pay a reduced fee, with some charged as little as $100 for a four-week overnight session.
Casey never slept in his office the way Showalter has done after overnight sessions of watching baseball films.
They figured we'd be so weak after an overnight session in here that we couldn't put up a fight.