For them, the sovereignty of the consumer was the overriding consideration.
Rather, the ability to be a good parent is seen as the overriding consideration.
Atomic muscle-flexing may have been the overriding consideration in Truman's decision.
Maybe the overriding consideration for this great basketball extravaganza is the advancement of higher education.
There may be many factors to take into account, but usually the overriding consideration is monetary.
Chapman came to criticize the league system most for making success the overriding consideration.
The personal interests of the legislators are the overriding consideration.
Carlesimo's reputation may be more of an overriding consideration for Kentucky than his career record, which rose to 186-215 after last season's 31-7 mark.
He didn't even stop to think of what the consequences would be to himself; the success of the mission was his overriding consideration.
Concern for public health must be the overriding consideration for all involved in the food industry.