Dozens of large corporate clients have switched to other auditors in recent weeks and its overseas affiliates plan to join rival firms.
That total was three times the value of the nation's 1986 exports, and these overseas affiliates' sales had risen each year since 1983.
The institute coordinates its many overseas affiliates.
Andersen's deteriorating condition has continued to affect its overseas affiliates.
From 1973 to 1975, he served as the first director of its overseas affiliate, the Transnational Institute in Amsterdam.
Sales from the overseas affiliates of American companies totaled $704 billion in 1985, the most recent tabulation.
Many of the firm's overseas affiliates have joined rival accounting firms - a move that Andersen's domestic offices are now following.
By 1989, Mitsubishi's worldwide production, including its overseas affiliates, had reached 1.5 million units.
At the same time, the firm continues to lose overseas affiliates.
And this does did not include giving by local churches or by overseas affiliates of American corporations.