He joined the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International (the overseas arm of the Church of Scientology) in 1954 at the age of 19.
Sandvik's first overseas arm was in Birmingham, England.
(Fidelity International, the overseas arm, added 462,806 shares to its position in the same period, increasing its holdings to just over a million shares.)
He was filling in for the Beirut bureau chief of Worldwide Television News, the overseas arm of Britain's independent television news operation.
And, with more overseas arms sales permitted, the Big Three want a bigger say in foreign policy initiatives.
Minorco, based in Luxembourg, is the overseas arm of the mining empire controlled by Harry F. Oppenheimer.
From then on it was the overseas arm of SSC&B.
Scientists to Prepare Plan Petrobras's overseas arm, Braspetro S.A., operates in Ecuador.
Maybe I've overlooked something but I thought they'd only raided the overseas arm of the US republican and democratic parties.