Smith visited Moscow last month, before the failed coup, to work out details on Uvayev's tryout, to watch Kovalev and to expand overseas contacts.
Its involvement stems from the 1930's when, at the end of Prohibition, bootleggers had the capital, experience and overseas contacts to turn their smuggling operations to narcotics.
He said the Government was planning to smooth dealings with foreign investors by allowing businesses to deal directly with their overseas contacts, bypassing the political organs.
By skillfully using his overseas contacts and positions, Banev accumulates hundreds of millions of dollars during the Dot-com bubble.
He also provided seeds to overseas contacts including Kew Gardens in England.
Ibn Batuta, during his visit in 1344, observed that the kingdom of Jaffna was a major trading kingdom with extensive overseas contacts.
Beth Israel Medical Center, for example, encourages its well-known doctors to capitalize on their own reputations, overseas contacts and the Internet.
If there are any incidents of offenders in overseas contacts, association of foreign nationals, false documents, and trafficking of large amount of money.
The latest addition to the overseas contacts is a "parrainage" (godfather) pact with Bozovici in Romania.
Through some overseas contacts, defence minister Mathias Ijape was put in contact with Spicer.