To help ease this change, the club invested in two overseas imports- Craig Wilson (captain and asst.
Each team is allowed an unlimited number of overseas imports on their roster, however there are limits to how many of these players can take the ice.
Iro, who will play for Leeds and Richardson, Yorkshire's overseas import, officially signed on the dotted line.
Along with the crowds, the assemblage of new boats included a long list of overseas imports.
As with many other areas, the farms there soon began to disappear, and Singapore became more reliant on overseas imports.
As well as carefully choosing overseas imports, Sportsgirl sourced its fashion lines from young Australian designers.
The county team was at a low ebb and Dooland had the responsibility of being the first overseas import brought in specifically to strengthen the team.
Like all teams Oxford has its share of overseas British ice hockey catching up with the North Americans?
Silk, spices and, later, coffee were amongst these overseas imports.
They face the same pressures that other New Jersey farmers face: encroaching development, competition from overseas imports, and the uncertainties of the weather.