Among others things, his bill would waive naturalization fees for green card troops and allow immigration officials to conduct interviews at consulates, embassies and overseas military installations.
Robert Cutler, at the direction of President Eisenhower, was visiting overseas military installations on the day he supposedly issued this memorandum July 14, 1954.
"It has to be set up and executed as if this was an overseas American military installation under attack by a foreign hostile military force," Hardcastle explained.
In some overseas military installations, he said, "they don't even do the routine maintenance, changing the dust filters."
At Clark Field and Subic Bay, the Air Force and Navy respectively have two of their largest overseas installations.
The Armed Forces Classic is a college basketball game that is played in front of military members and their families stationed on a overseas installation.
Mr. Guidry said additional cuts could be made in areas like Pentagon supply inventories and overseas installations without hurting American military readiness.
The federal government also exercises exclusive jurisdiction over overseas military installations, and American embassies and consulates located in foreign countries.
No region would lose more bases than the Bay Area, according to the list released Monday of 35 domestic and 13 overseas installations the Department of Defense is considering closing.
AAFES has a monopoly on retail sales at overseas military installations.