Most foreign-language materials are acquired by purchase and through gift and exchange arrangements with overseas organizations.
In today's global economy there is an increasing need for multi-disciplinary engineers who can work cooperatively with their counterparts in overseas organizations.
This page is about overseas Chinese organizations (often known as clans) known as kongsi.
President Bush has also walloped international family planning efforts by banning the use of American aid to overseas organizations that provide any information about abortions.
Now it is one of the biggest and most prominent overseas Chinese organizations on the east coast of the United States.
Pepsi said the new overseas organization would report to him and would include six new geographic business units covering 150 countries.
Funding for the new hospital is through donations from overseas charitable organizations including:
(Normally, overseas organizations must register with the Ministry of Commerce as businesses).
The other would bar overseas family-planning organizations from lobbying to change abortion laws in other countries.
But the communist government in Warsaw sees such overseas organizations as subversive.