These problems face an increasing number of families as commerce goes global and overseas markets require an overseas presence.
If you have an overseas presence, this could mean that profits are liable both to UK tax and to tax in another country.
He added, "And the deal gives Interpublic something they really don't have - a strong overseas presence" in direct marketing.
Maintaining an overseas presence provides the United States the opportunity to wield political and economic influence around the world.
The view is so appealing that several major studios intend to set up production units in Europe or to increase their overseas presence in other ways.
However, large French banks still maintain an overseas presence in many of France's former colonial possessions.
Such contracts are normally able to run smoothly without a permanent overseas presence.
As chairman, he was credited with reinvigorating it after a long malaise and establishing a strong overseas presence.
For years the American accounting scene has been dominated by the same eight firms, all with strong overseas presences as well.
The deal gives Bank of New York a bigger overseas presence, with 15 offices abroad.