Another South American diplomat said his embassy now limited overseas telephone calls to hours when rates were cheapest.
In one attack, Tehran's main oil refinery was hit, and in another instance, Iraq damaged Iran's Assadabad satellite dish, disrupting Iranian overseas telephone and telex service for almost two weeks.
She allegedly made overseas telephone calls to government officials she knew with the hope that he would be arrested, thereby giving her a good excuse to forbid her husband from communicating with his friend.
Mr. Fox's research has been used in a wide range of fields, from weaponry to overseas telephone calls to airplane communications.
Before long I was able to maneuver myself to an overseas telephone, wait in line, and call my wife.
One rule of ULA operations was that no overseas telephone calls ever came to his house.
Onse Telecom is a Korean telecom company, one of the largest providers of overseas telephone and internet access in South Korea.
My brother's just been killed down in Georgia' And when I finally got my momma on the overseas telephone, she told me how it was.
"I make my usual overseas telephone calls and finally clear my desk of faxes I have received overnight," he says.
The messages would get to the Teuter office in under five minutes, a minor miracle in the days before satellites and the use of overseas telephones for Press work.