The Hawza consists of mosques, houses and rooms scattered around impoverished Najaf, where different factions oversee instruction.
There are 32 district superintendents, one for each community school district, as well as 6 high school superintendents and 6 others overseeing instruction and special education.
(The old high school currently sees use as the Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency headquarters, which oversees academic instruction at high schools in eastern Iowa.)
The commandant oversees all flying training, academic instruction, budgeting, and curriculum administration at the school.
Sydney Smith, a vice principal who oversees instruction at the school, said she had heard only minimal grumbling from students excluded from electives.
The bureaucratic overhaul would sharply scale down several board divisions, including those supervising special education and bilingual education, while creating other departments to oversee instruction, student support and accountability.
She'd come to the colony planet to oversee the installation of and instruction in the use of some new mining equipment Zirgos had developed.
The Dean of Faculty and Academic Programs, Mary McCully, oversees faculty, curriculum, and instruction.
Each college of the SDCCD, including Continuing Education, is headed by a president and three vice presidents overseeing instruction, administrative services, and student services, respectively.
The college oversees the curriculum and instruction in all of the engineering-related majors offered by the university.