They elect the board of managers, which oversees general management policies and practices.
There are 36 council members who oversee and authorise the strategic and operational policies and practices of CCMS.
He is not polyester slick or deliberately homespun; he does not oversee practices from a tower like a captain on the bridge.
He hated to think he was going to spend the rest of his life ordering priorities, choosing among medical and insurance plans for the help, and overseeing hiring practices.
Finally, the report suggests the creation of an independent regulatory agency to oversee the appointment, fee determination and practices of auditors of large companies.
However, the Barbers' Guild retained the power to oversee surgical practices.
Would you believe that Iba oversaw such tough practices that Haskins lost the ball of his foot?
In order to guarantee long-term success for local businesses and their employees, this program will oversee practices that occur beyond the mere buying and selling processes:
The museum world has no enforcing regulatory body to oversee practices that in other disciplines might seem questionable, only the government, which is mostly concerned with outright fraud and theft.
Tough Games Ahead Organizing and overseeing practices were no problem.