American officials are also overseeing the creation of an Iraqi civil defense force, which would have about 14,000 members initially, under current plans.
According to him "Director is responsible for overseeing creative aspects of a film under the overall control of the producer.
The surrogate judges also appoint the public administrators, who hire lawyers to oversee the estates under the court's jurisdiction.
The Kingdom was also to oversee the island's finances under a debt-relief arrangement agreed between the two.
She oversees all operations of the spa under Dianne.
He was sent to Mobile, Alabama, to oversee the defenses under construction.
He oversees many operations for several industries under Jyoti Group.
He was then assigned to oversee daily operations under martial law.
Shulü Ping then seized full military and civil authority in order to oversee the imperial succession under her own terms.
He will also be overseeing a divided government, with the legislature still under the control of the Nationalist Party.