A blue-ribbon committee was formed and an oversight hearing was held.
Given that, and the questions many Democrats have after six years with little chance to probe administration decisions, a season of oversight hearings is at hand.
This is an oversight hearing, so they could go for days, until they've heard everything they want to.
He called for oversight hearings to find out why Americans "aren't getting their money's worth from Government."
Let's have oversight hearings, and let's find out exactly what went on.
The trustees have just reported, and I have just had the first oversight hearing.
Yet, as one witness at our oversight hearings put it, by the next decade we could be "awash in capital."
There have now been two or three generations of congressmen who don't really know what an oversight hearing is.
"Congress is entitled to have oversight hearings to see how well things are going, and to figure out where we should go from here," he says.
However, some events, such as oversight hearings, may have space constraints.