I doubted it on second thought, however, since Pawbi would not have allowed such an overt indication of the presence of an anti-Kaleen power.
It bears the Scaled Composites logo, but no other overt indication of its link to Tier One.
Although he had his doubts about Vitellius, there was as yet no proof, or any overt indication, that the tribune was plotting against the Emperor.
His eyes turned to fix on Jon, and it was evident that he understood her nature quickly enough, but he gave no overt indication.
He narrowed his eyes at Manfred, evidently looking for overt indications that Manfred might be a villain of this description.
The most overt indications - besides clothes, allowances and vacations - are the size and proliferation of others' houses.
The soft matter-of-factness of his voice bothered her more than any overt indication of fear he might have displayed.
There is no overt indication that on May 19, when Pennsylvanians vote in their primary election, Mr. Bailey could wind up winning the Democratic nomination for Governor.
The number of lictors in attendance upon a magistrate was an overt indication of the degree of imperium.
Although there were no overt indications that the Moors settled in this region, although oral tradition inferred as much.