She was top dog and she knew it, and no scruples of good breeding restrained her from overt bad manners.
A generation ago, her disciples still tended to use her idiom in an overt manner and to draw from the same epic sources that interested her.
Aloud, she said, "But why would you support my praetorship in such an overt manner?
Our house, with my father's overt manner and my mother's deadpan humor, was theater.
She dared not move against Maluta in any overt manner because she had not yet begun her own consolidation of power.
Because of social changes, for example, Chinese police are now professionally constrained not to intrude on people's personal relationships in an overt or coercive manner.
People whose magic could affect others in an overt manner didn't need to bite, he imagined, nor would they allow themselves to be held captive to await being sacrificed.
Political warfare can be used in an overt or covert manner in order to exploit internal differences within an adversarial country.
The Stors were not opposing them in an overt manner, but neither were they giving way.
"He does not have an overt, braggadoccio manner," said Bennett J. Johnson, a book publisher who has known him for 20 years.