There was little or no overt resistance to the development of business studies degrees, for two sets of reasons.
He repeatedly points to Hitler's widespread popularity and to the depressingly few instances of overt resistance.
"I do know there was no overt resistance on his part," the lieutenant said.
In 1917 and 1918 some 24 million men were registered and nearly 3 million inducted into the military services, with little of the overt resistance that characterized the Civil War.
There was much evasion and overt resistance to the draft, especially in Catholic areas.
Rather, forced compliance can often lead to overt resistance to change.
Avoidance was the appropriate course, not overt resistance.
"Another way of saying this is you don't have a history of Christians being involved in overt resistance to the government in Germany."
This ensuing German defeat represented an end to overt German resistance to Confederate governance in Texas, but it also fueled outrage among the German-Texan population.
There are still areas of strong, overt political resistance, Southern Africa and Malaysia among them.