Although this can be seen as social commentary, Chaplin's films did not contain overt political themes or messages until later on his career in the 1930s.
The 1960s slogan Make love, not war became the overt theme of his Romeo and Juliet.
However, what makes the church fairly unique are its murals with overt pre-Hispanic themes.
Just 10 years ago, children's books with such overt religious, biblical or spiritual themes would never have been published, let alone acknowledged as best sellers.
Mr. Anderson doubts that "this Biennial will have an overt theme," he said.
The film has been the target of criticism for its overt sexual themes, and its portrayal of women characters as being slaves to men.
But the overt themes are clear and, given the fractious state of the world, have seldom seemed more relevant.
The Last Frontier contained overt philosophical and moral themes that were not well received.
Though the legacy of apartheid often hangs in the air like a toxic cloud, racism as such is seldom if ever an overt theme.
It is not prudent, of course, to make that preference the overt theme of opposition to a nominee.