This translates into cutting a worker's hourly wage so the new overtime requirement will produce the old net salary, not an actual boon.
If you expect staff to co-operate with unusual hours or overtime requirements, you need to communicate your intentions.
But expect this position to have some overtime requirements if the interviewer is asking this question.
He argued that the federal minimum wage laws, unemployment benefits, eight-hour day rules, and overtime requirements hindered economic recovery.
Employees who earn a salary rather than an hourly wage and are either an executive, learned professional or a creative professional are exempt from overtime requirements.
Of the firms surveyed, 50 percent violated minimum-wage rules and 68 percent violated overtime requirements.
He also works a typically irregular schedule because of Toyota's mandatory overtime requirement, which means that he picks up his daughters at different times each morning.
State laws exempts most farms from overtime requirements and prohibit farm workers from organizing.
Categorized as outdoor sellers, the door-to-door peddlers are also exempt from most federal and state minimum wage and overtime requirements.
The Department of Defense Authorization Act of 1986 repealed the eight-hour daily overtime requirements on all federal contracts.