Works that could be construed as obscene or as overtly critical of the Government are still restricted, Mr. Klaucke said.
While implying that the revolt against Didius was justified, Appian's account of the subsequent actions of Flaccus is not overtly critical.
The article reported remarks by McChrystal's staff that were overtly critical and contemptuous of White House staff and other civilian officials.
Martin had backed Wilson's leadership challenge and had continued to be overtly critical of Swinney's leadership, resulting in disciplinary action.
"It was overtly critical of the society."
She also has low self-esteem and is constantly unsatisfied with how she looks and is overtly critical of herself.
Now, Sanders has never been prone to speak volumes, to be overtly critical of teammates and coaching, and he expects the same from his teammates and coaches.
The government has distanced itself from Hezbollah's actions, but has not been overtly critical of it.
His overtly critical report was not what was expected and was immediately restricted for the joint chiefs and President Lyndon B. Johnson only.