Some JNA commanders overtly supported the Serb rebels in Croatia and provided them with weapons.
After Lockerbie, it was not fashionable to overtly support terrorism.
The Greek government was reluctant to overtly support the uprising.
While some are from individuals who overtly support a group's extra-legal activities, charitable donations intended for disaster reflief or for the building of mosques are also often diverted.
Waleran did not overtly support the Empress on English soil, but was constrained from overt support of King Stephen.
While overtly supporting Kelly with her heartbreak, Coach Fox clandestinely couldn't have been happier to have 'Stu' out of both of their lives.
Chinese authorities have removed any lamas who overtly support the Dalai Lama.
Their doublespeak, where they overtly support peaceful protest, whilst at the same time trying to stifle action that is too effective, become a bit too transparent for their liking.
He also overtly supported the völkisch movement of Guido von List and created the nickname Judapest for the rivaling Hungarian capital.
In the past, the United States has either overtly or covertly supported movements to violently overthrow leaders of countries like Cuba and Nicaragua.