"An overused term, but true nonetheless."
Geek is an overused term.
That's what determines - I don't want to say greatness, because that's an overused term - but a quality player.
It's an overused term, almost a cliche, but it is appropriate because it applies.
By the way, fascism is an overused term.
It's really one of the most overused terms.
And that ties to another earnestly overused term of art at the moment: engagement.
"Rock opera" has taken its place alongside "standing ovation" and "megahit" in the lists of the most overused terms in the theater vocabulary.
An impish 16-year-old prostitute living in the Havana barrio, Juliette gives new meaning to that overused term "woman-child."
I know it's an overused term and people roll their eyes, but it really feels that way to me.