Oggy is an overweight blue cat.
He is also very strong as a result of constantly carrying an overweight cat wherever he goes.
An overweight cat with an attitude problem.
Once a month, I make a food run for Boo, my overweight cat, to Pet Palace, on West 10th Street.
An overweight cat who lives across the street from Junpei.
Meanwhile, over 80 per cent of overweight cats suffer chronic pain from sore backs or joints.
In the corner was an easel with an odd half-finished painting of what appeared to be a three-legged cow, or an overweight hairless cat, on it.
We have an overweight cat. . . . I have so much more than I've ever had in my life.
Got a room for an escaped dancer and a slightly overweight cat for the weekend?
He stretched lazily on his side of the bed, an overweight but extremely comfortable cat.