I think overweight guys in leisure suits have a chance now, so I guess we do, too.
They've got a couple of overweight retired guys in security uniforms drinking coffee and watching college girls walk by.
Why should a woman like her give a second look to an overweight bald guy in his mid-forties?
The overweight guy sitting at his console looked half asleep, feet up on the consoles, eyes closed, a pair of earphones clamped over his head.
He was a strong-looking, overweight guy with not much hair and a lot of red face.
A. I'm afraid of being an overweight 51-year-old white guy and not eating well and not getting enough exercise.
But two years later, on the morning of my initiation, I was confronted by an overweight guy in a tight T-shirt.
And running right in front of me was this overweight guy wearing a single-piece flesh-colored Spandex bodysuit.
He says that if America can get a thrill at looking at an overweight, hairy guy walking around in his underwear, "have at it!"
Jeff Weise - overweight, politically confused lonely guy, but also a killer - belongs on the list, but last.