As an intern, I worked in such a place: a small, brightly lit area, partitioned into eight cubicles and filled with an overwhelming array of electronic equipment.
The bacterium is then subjected to an overwhelming array of killing mechanisms and is dead a few minutes later.
In just 92 minutes, Caprica manages to dish out a surprisingly dense, but not too overwhelming, array of plot threads.
Gordon rallies an overwhelming array of evidence (letters implicitly preparing friends for the event, precise instructions for the funeral) to argue that Woolson had planned her suicide carefully.
Paralyzed by the overwhelming array of USB Flash drives available these days?
As fire packed as the venerable Hueys were, the pair of West-124 land Lynx were loaded with an even more overwhelming array of weapons.
Compared to the first room, this one was cavernous and filled with an overwhelming array of items.
When choosing from the overwhelming array of skin products that are available, don't think that a pricey product will necessarily work better for you.
To cover the entire electronic waterfront, they pack an overwhelming array of up to 60 buttons.
Cans and jars ran from floor to ceiling in an overwhelming array of options.