The party overwhelmingly carried the state in the ensuing election and, for the first time, Stephens returned to Congress no longer a Whig.
Rather, many of the matters at stake were routine, and nearly all the votes overwhelmingly carried.
But they agreed that it might carry overwhelmingly in both houses, perhaps at veto-proof levels, if allowed to get to the floor.
She overwhelmingly carried Oklee and much of the northern part of the district, where people knew the truth of her marriage.
Whatever the case, if he is to have any reasonable chance of carrying Florida, he must overwhelmingly carry Broward County, on the state's southeast coast.
But Ms. Richards overwhelmingly carried the historically Democratic minority vote.
Conservative Christians make up a major segment of the Louisiana electorate, especially in the north, which Mr. Duke has said he must carry overwhelmingly to win.
He overwhelmingly carried the black, white and Hispanic vote.
But while Tennessee is often called his "home state," he was born in Washington, D.C., which he carried overwhelmingly.