She escaped with a mild attack and, even as an 8-year-old, helped the overworked nurse at her school in Fort Defiance, Ariz.
It has eaten away at the culture of medical practice, by compromising the quality of attention available from overworked nurses and doctors and making cost control a higher priority than meticulous care.
Yes this is where the problem lies not with overworked nurses and untrained others.
With all the new patients, it was fully staffed with overworked nurses.
Of all the articles dealing with the challenges of modern medicine, the one that touched me the most was Sara Corbett's, dealing with invaluable, overworked nurses.
But an examination by The New York Times shows that many of these private institutions have left life-and-death decisions to overworked nurses and trainee doctors who are ill prepared to make them.
He later added: "Just to be clear, Jeremy Clarkson thinks underpaid, overworked nurses on strike today should be 'executed in front of their families."
Now it was time for round two, and the overworked nurse was once again out of the room, checking on someone else.
My mother was an underpaid, overworked nurse.
Overworked interns, triaging the most critical needs first, shout orders to overworked nurses: "Get an IV started here!"