My experiences over the next three days were a curious mixture of revulsion at the hospital's physical condition and awesome respect for an overworked medical staff.
They placed him on the 15-day disabled list and summoned two pitchers from Columbus to bolster their overworked staff.
In the real world of tight budgets, limited space, minimal public financing and overworked staff, however, practicalities often take precedence.
Nor had he received any real affection from the overworked staff of the charity hospital.
Regulators found instances in which overworked staffs, including residents, misdiagnosed serious conditions and made patients wait perilously long for treatment.
When your brand makes promises it can't keep, your overworked staff bears the brunt.
Her team found that poor care for wounded soldiers was being delivered by overworked medical staff in the face of official indifference.
Most organizations use volunteers to supplement a limited and overworked staff.
He discusses the don't ask-don't tell routine of day care centers, where overworked staff and yuppie parents ignore the children's unhappy days.
It was created to relieve the long hours put in by all of the show's overworked staff.