Animation - The Killer Cars: In an overzealous attempt to curb overpopulation, cars turn vicious and begin eating people.
Sports cheating is usually seen as a symptom of an overzealous attempt to win at all costs.
Or the decision might simply reflect an overzealous attempt to keep major parties from straying beyond the vague boundaries of election law.
His lawyer has even characterized them as an overzealous attempt to help friends.
And beware of overzealous attempts at shoring up the variation that leave cold logic in the lurch.
Others dismissed it as a lame publicity stunt or an overzealous attempt at political-correctness.
They said Mr. Bankston began the searches in an "overzealous" attempt to enforce a strict new dormitory alcohol policy.
Both represent errors committed in the overzealous attempt to shoehorn Burgess animals into modern groups.
Freeze Out is a comedy about one man's ridiculous and overzealous attempt to get revenge for the constant ribbing of his best friends at his weekly poker game.
In their overzealous attempt to protect public health, state health officials have developed their own brand of fearmongering and strong-arm tactics.