The owlish man peered back through the glass panel; but to no purpose.
Next to him was Arkady Sheinin, a gray-haired, owlish man who started a private law office.
Mr. Reich is a small, owlish man.
He was standing with his hand extended to greet the tall, owlish man who had entered.
The driver was a twitchy skinny owlish man who hadn't shaved for seventy-nine hours, which was not for him a record.
And he was an owlish man!
Mr. Caro, 71, sits in his spare writer's aerie high in a Midtown office building, an owlish man with a faint smile.
In 1988 Prevost, a more reserved, owlish man, bought the patent for a material that could be adapted as an artificial surface for tennis courts.
He is an owlish, phlegmatic man of 74, most of his hair having permanently bailed out of his head.
Gerson, 37, is an owlish man who fills yellow pads with doodles when you ask him a question.