Even owners acknowledge that downtown Manhattan is awash with empty office space - and they are feeling the pressure to be more accommodating.
Even owners who favor reopening acknowledge that the group is evenly divided.
No owner, certainly not Selig when he was given the opportunity last week, has acknowledged that collusion existed.
The classrooms would have been by far the largest project ever undertaken by the Mississippi company seeking the contract, its owners acknowledge.
The owner looked up and acknowledged him as he walked over.
The owners, in their statement through the public-relations agency, acknowledged that they could not have raised the money for the track without the development agency's help.
The owners acknowledge the hardships faced by tenants, but say there are limits to what they can offer.
The house is a great getaway, but even its owner acknowledges its limitations.
For New York magazine to be noticed, its potential owners acknowledge that it should be independent, at least in theory.
The owners have acknowledged the players' concerns in the areas of trust and younger players.