Its owner, Peter Gatien, awaits trial after being charged in a separate, Federal drug case earlier this year involving his clubs.
It poised in mid-air, while its owner awaited Imam Singh's return.
The buildings currently sit vacant, as the owner is awaiting permits before restoration can begin.
The owners and the architects all await the arrival of the one person who hasn't seen the house since it was sold.
Eagerly but anxiously, National Basketball Association officials, owners, players and union officials plus assorted lawyers and agents await the results today of the union decertification election.
And, they add, many of the rooms that have been emptied are being kept vacant as owners await the end of the moratorium.
The owners are awaiting formal approval of their application to the State Attorney General's office to become a legally constituted cooperative.
The terminal's owner, the Metro Fuel Oil Corporation, is awaiting city approval to produce 110 million gallons of fuel a year from raw vegetable oils.
Upon entering the meeting room, Addison approached the long oval table, where the stern-faced owners were awaiting.
Already, local businesses are unable to renew leases, as owners eagerly await the rezoning.