After taking over, the two new owners eliminated foremen and formed teams on the factory floor.
In 1996, the owners formed Margaritas Management Group Inc. to oversee the operations of the restaurants.
So the owners of disparate businesses in this neighborhood have formed an unlikely alliance to preserve certain parts of the market's appearance.
Mr. Weissleder understood the bond an owner forms with a pet.
The new owners formed the Maxwell Land Grant and Railway Company.
The owners of capital, with their dependents, form a class of this nature in the United States; the working people form a similar class.
The popular belief is that if these owners ever form a coalition, their power and influence would be significant and immediate.
Unlike in previous seasons, when players' strikes stopped all play, the owners formed teams of replacement players to play the scheduled games.
The great owners formed associations for protection and they met to discuss ways to intimidate, to kill, to gas.
The dogs and their owners formed a "drill line", and Jarod gave a command to be performed in a certain time limit.