If the owners then subsequently impose a new system, the prospect of a negotiated agreement would be nonexistent.
The owners imposed a 3 month 'lockout', which ended in defeat for the union.
Buildings in the 1960s, though of limited architectural merit, were built with large gardens; many owners have since imposed character on these houses.
The bill proposed to subject baseball to the antitrust laws in labor matters if the owners unilaterally imposed new terms and conditions.
Today's action returns the owners and players to their status before the owners imposed the new system Dec. 23.
The owners can impose only their last proposal or parts of it; they cannot implement what they have not proposed.
Under their last proposal, made March 21, the owners would impose a luxury tax for the last four years of a six-year agreement.
Although there had been speculation that the owners would impose an additional tax on club revenues, that was not included.
If the season is played without a labor agreement, the union runs the risk of having the owners impose conditions of employment unilaterally.
The owners could unilaterally impose a salary cap for next season.